Sunday, September 1, 2013

Lucky 2013

September 1, 2013
         One might say the year 2013 is unlucky, I may agree if I were to think that having a flood in my new to me home in AZ was unlucky. Instead I’m saying 2013 is a very lucky year as moving to AZ put a knowledgeable golf teacher in my path, Dave Shaver. The long wet cold winter in WA left my golf swing in need of some attention. My swing is getting some “Swing Model” attention at
         I’m learning from Dave the Swing Model as he takes me through all the explanations and concepts found in Dr.Ralph Mann and Fred Griffin’s book called 
         Swing like a Pro is quite interesting because it is based on the filming of many PGA and LPG players where the science behind the book looked at each pro filmed based on a specific body part. The science showed that all these pros had specific parts of their swing that matched. The book explains how to have a technical swing that looks as technical as the lowest scoring golfers in the professional golfing world. 
         What I like the best from the Swing Model approach is the sound the club makes as it smoothly powerfully cuts a whipping sound through the air. Thwack!

         After a few drills with Dave to help me shift my weight through my swing, I could hear that “Thwack” sound more clearly in the front of my follow through just beyond impact. I liked it. If you want to learn the parts of your swing that you can learn to match the parts of many of the best players in the world, read Swing like a Pro.