Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving 2012

Happy Thanksgiving 2012

When you’re counting your blessings and enjoying your feast. Consider creating good golf shot memories similar to the good memories you have at special occasions like today on Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a good memory in itself. Yes, it is good for your golf game to also have stored memories of good shots.  Purposely get thankful out on the course.

I just finished reading Golf is Not a Game of Perfect Dr. Bob Rotella writes to golfers to celebrate, remember and be thankful for the good shots. "I encourage players to do that. It will help make the game more enjoyable. It will help make the memory of good shots stronger." Do you realize "a great golf shot is a thing of beauty" and do you "savor it and celebrate it?"  (p. 131)

I have been working on this same thing with my game. Yesterday at Camelback Mountain in Paradise Valley, AZ I was faced with a low punch shot between four trees and the other side awaited a bunker in front of the raised green. I was 125 yards out. Since I’ve been working on my good memory golf shots I recalled a good low shot out of the woods I hit recently in Washington. I went for it and punched an amazing fade that needled through the narrow tree opening and faded just enough to bounce beside the bunker tossing my ball pin high in regulation. It was tempting to fall back on negative feelings of concern when I first seen where my ball was. I considered even chipping out 30 yards side ways just to get an easier shot and take a stroke; but Rotella’s book helped me to "trust my golf swing" by relying on past good shots.

If you want to create a better game for yourself that has more to do with what and how you think than your actual golf swing mechanics, then order Golf is Not a Game of Perfect

You won’t be disappointed and maybe you can even get one as a gift for your negative playing golf buddies that toss their clubs, pout in the cart, and well you know how some of us play! Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

What happens in the LPGA Teaching Professional Apprentice week... goes out to each student!

October 2012, I spent one full week in Daytona Florida in conferences and on the practice tee learning communication to help the student and the teacher create a lesson that is relevant, authentic to the students intentions, and fun. The LPGA Professional Teachers and Clubs is driven to get new golfers out quickly on the course playing. I myself hit a score of 80 only after 15 months of golfing. This was a direct result from all my teachers but most specifically from my LPGA Professional Teachers who are trained in the student centered model. Knowing how to actively listen and effectively communicate creates fast and fun learning. Find a LPGA Teaching pro near you and you will be pleasantly fulfilled with LPGA's knowledge from shared research from over 30 years that the LPGA has been working on and giving their teachers to share with new golfers and seasoned golfers. Fall is here, Winter is near...find a LPGA Professional Teacher near you and make your own golfing goals happen even with an indoor lesson. Find a LPGA Professional Teacher Near you.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Quiet your mind... a great help and an good read.

What lies before us and what lies behind us are small matters compared with what lies within us. When we bring what is within us out into the world, miracles happen.
                                                                        Henry David Thoreau

          I’ve had a lot of encouraging people cheering me on with the start of my new golf business. My realtor Charlie Beard with Remax of Greensboro gave me a book given to him by Author Dr. Tony “The Tiger” Piparo. The tittle is called Kingdom of the Tiger A Golfers Guide to Playing in The Zone. Get a copy on Amazon! Here is my review:

         It’s a fascinating and detailed read on the human brain and how to train your mind to focus on the golf swing in front of you, like a Tiger focuses on his prey.      

         Piparo quotes the thoughts of a frustrated golfer “…How can I play well one day and fall apart the next?” “How can I start out playing well only to ‘lose it’ in the middle of the round?” …“How can I play really well for most of the round, but have some 7s and 8s thrown in for good measure?” page 260. Piparo believes if this is how you feel your mind is not quiet.

         Your mind is too cluttered with things that are only illusions. Illusions are past or future thoughts. Only the present task at hand is in fact your truth, your fact, and your real life at that moment. Piparo believes when you can train your mind to focus on what is real in front of you, then and only then are you truly focused with a quiet mind.

Take the shot you just hit, it is now in the past. Good or bad it is over. Leave it and move on. Letting go quickly means quickly quieting your mind.

Maybe you are the golfer who thinks about Putting when you are on the Tee Box? Don’t! You can think about Putting when you get there. Nothing is more important than that shot in front of you. It is real. The other is a daydream, a future hope or illusion.

         Page 13, “…once we see and accept life for the illusion it is, we begin to exist outside…” our ego. Your ego cannot hit a straight ball for you. Your ego can only clutter your mind.

         We cannot truly ever be free of stress but we can control it. Chose to think of your present shot. Shut out the sounds all around you.  Shut out the illusions. Still feeling stressed?

          Do Piparo’s “ Attitude Adjustment Routine” he writes in several chapters:
         -Close your eyes.
- Take a deep breath. (Like a yoga or a singer’s breath – I say this)
         -Relax your body.
         -Bring your attention to the task at hand.
         -Be patient!

         Once you as a golfer and even a human can quiet your mind, the focus you can give to your present moment will leave you knowing you did your best with the situations at hand in your real world called the present.  –Happy Golfing!

Friday, May 4, 2012

My golf birthday is March 2011. Today May 4th I started my own golf instructor sole proprietorship. I received a EIN from the Irs, opened this blog, sent my first email from and taught my first student under my first open day of business. After 2 hours of range work he sent me a text that said, "Your Really Good At This." I'm thrilled to have found a passion for golfing and teaching it!

Molly Tuller at Dana Radar School taught me an easy and effective chip for around the green. I taught it to my student today. Here is a link of Marc Lapointe at Dana Radar teaching the same chip. If you do it right you will here a click! Enjoy